Pangerupukan day falls on the new moon's day of the 10th month, which is the last day of one Saka year. The following day, the Balinese celebrate quiet Nyepi day as the main day of the new Saka year. On Pangerupukan day, the Balinese convey ogoh (goliath doll, addressing devils) in vivid and mind blowing marches as an image of heading out malicious characters in one's self. In bali indonesia each house, each family lead extraordinary service by liting light made of dry coconut leaves. This is designated "obor danyuh". Individuals hit metal skillet, wooden ringers or huge metal dishes to make clamors. This is accepted to expell awful karmas. This is an end celebration of the year. Upon the arrival of Ngarupuk, the Balinese ordinarily get ready day to day needs to invite Nyepi day. At the point when the day falls, roads are packed by individuals and the ogoh marches. Before 12 PM, numerous roads are shut down and the pecalangs (conventional security officials) begin taking care of their responsibilities. All lights on the island of the divine beings are switched off at 6 AM on Nyepi day since one day as per Hindu schedule begins at the crack of dawn.
